My Social Fire Media Internship
The ‘real world’ is an intimidating term with a negative connotation for anyone nearing the end of an undergraduate career. Internships, however, have the potential to strip away this term’s unapproachable persona. Quality experience confidently prepares career driven students for what lies ahead after graduation.
My internship at Social Fire Media has done just this and more. I have been equipped with the valuable skills needed to pursue a career in Marketing. The quantity and quality of information I have learned in such a short amount of time continues to amaze me. As a digital marketing intern, this summer I worked heavily with social media management. So here is my internship as explained by Social Media.
Twitter: I work at #SocialFireMedia
Like Twitter, Social Fire Media is responsive. Social Fire Media constantly evolves by responding to what’s trending in digital marketing. Matt, Brendan, and Nick question what the next step is in developing the services of the company. Pushing limits and being on the cutting edge is an important factor in remaining competitive. Social Fire Media is also responsive to clients. SFM picks up the phone and is on the computer simultaneously to resolve any problem a client might have. Building a strong and successful relationship with clients keeps the business thriving.
Facebook: I like working at Social Fire Media
Each Facebook user has a unique profile page where they can like and share photos and videos. I like what the company shares and its unique profile. The co-founders of Social Fire Media left their corporate jobs for something more self fulfilling. They took a risk but they will also never look back. Do what you love and love what you do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. There is value in pursing a job that you are passionate about. As I continue my Marketing career, Social Fire Media will always be a source of inspiration for me.
Instagram: Here is a photo of me working at Social Fire Media
Instagram is a platform for visual storytelling. Social Fire Media’s strong company culture is most accurately displayed through pictures. The company’s culture is heavily focused on being team oriented. This allows work to be accomplished efficiently. Sometimes two minds are better than one and sometimes it’s better to ask for help. Being flexible and open to taking on multiple tasks not only challenged me to learn more but also gave me a greater appreciation for being a part of a team. Becca and I collaborated on several projects over the Summer. Working out the wrinkles together gave us the chance to exchange valuable information and skills.
LinkedIn: My skills include working at Social Fire Media
LinkedIn is a business community. Social Fire Media is a professional company and is highly skilled and experienced in Digital Marketing, Website Development, and Social Media Management. However, the environment in the office fosters productivity. This is achieved through a healthy dose of silliness. Whether it’s creating the company’s logo out of M&M’s or drawing on the windows with markers, balancing a strong work ethic with occasional play gets you thinking outside the box. Silliness ignites quality brainstorming sessions that result in creativity. Creativity brings the company to new heights.
I believe my internship experience was unique because I worked for a small company that didn’t see me as intern, rather a hands on employee. I was entrusted with client’s social media accounts, blog articles, cold calls, reporting, digital newsletters, and email marketing campaigns. SFM did was it does best: marketing. It perfectly marketed to me the appeal of working at a small business. As Nick Bloomer says, “Here at SFM, you are a product of your environment.” Learning from the best digital marketers in the industry makes it an honor to have Social Fire Media attached to my resume.
Thank you, Social Fire Media for a great summer with even greater memories!