Social Media 101: How to Draw Followers Using Facebook
As the dawn of the Information Age comes to a climax, social media marketing has grown as a necessity for businesses. Social media marketing is not only popular as a trend but it has proven to be beneficial to business owners for numerous reasons. Social media marketing greatly contributes to increased brand awareness. Through the widespread epidemic that is social media, a single idea can spread through cyber space, like wild fire. Any company looking to spread the word of their prowess and impeccable ability to perform their respective services would benefit from social media marketing. Improved brand awareness, improved social signals (which contribute to search ranking algorithms), and word of mouth advertisements (which create the ability to reach and influence a larger audience) are all obtainable when social media marketing is carried out in an effective manner.
It is imperative to work towards one central goal; having your content shared. The more likes, views and comments a specific post receives, the more recognition your company obtains. The following tips will guide you down a path of successful media followings:
- Concentrate on informing your readers. It is important to create content relating to the nature of your business, the industry, or any other related matter. This subtly persuades viewers that and why they need you.
- While informing your audience, make your content relevant and entertaining.
- Image-heavy content and videos create visual attraction. Post them often. These types of posts are easily viewable for people on the go or generally in a hurry.
- Pictures: Especially custom-crafted photos, memes, etc. are always key. This is why some social media outlets survive on photos alone! (Pinterest/Instagram).
- Use hashtags that pertain to your branding. They are easy to search through Twitter and pop-up whenever the general hastag is searched.
- Be consistent in both timing and message. Set expectations for your followers with what your content will be and how often they can expect it. This fosters loyalty on both ends.
- Engage users with content they will actually care about. It’s simple, but always go back to the basics of crafting your messages carefully.
- Ensure anything you claim to write yourself is original and unique. Nothing is more embarrassing than a consumer realizing you crafted your ideas from someone else’s hard work.
Curtail your post to relatively current events, while also correlating the post with the functions of your company. Try your best to be politically correct at all times, while also giving your readers an idea of where you stand as a company. Comparing and contrasting different sides of an idea from a business perspective will prove to be beneficial. Post content that sparks discussion. User-generated topics are also a great idea. This type of engagement allows your audience to feel like they are a part of your process, i.e, important. The possibilities are endless.
Every company should invest time and expense into ensuring that their social media presence is a priority. Being conscious of proper engagement in social media and appeasing your followers is important. More followers equal more readers, additional customers, website visitors, and people who are interested in learning more about your company. In that, grows a larger customer base and more revenue.