The Importance Of A Proper Email Signature

 In Blog

Similar to a bad pair of shoes messing up the perfect outfit, the commonly overlooked e-mail signature can become the end all be all of your “communication appearance.” Anyone looking to make a first impression on a potential client or individual, with which you desire to conduct business, should consider perfecting his or her email signature. E-mail signatures are like stationary.  It is a formatted stamp that attaches itself to each and every message, reply and forward that is sent out. It lets the recipient know who you are, where you are and what you are. An email signature can be as plain as one desires, (but may be perceived as boring) and as creatively radical as one likes (but may be perceived as too gaudy and unprofessional). An email signature does not require specific or drooling consideration each time it is needed, but it is an element that requires a significant amount of thought during its design phase.

One simple concept to keep in mind as you prepare your email signature is how to professionally communicate contact information in a way that will enhance a personal or business brand to future clients. Other than the specific content in an email, the signature conveys details about the sender that is comparable to his or her overall personality. The recipient can determine if the sender is organized (or not), has a sense of humor (or not), professional or laid back as well as many other attributes that are important in the decision to acquire a working relationship with someone.

The concept of branding is important in marketing as it conveys who you are as a business and attracts what you want in a consumer or client. A consumer looking to have a carefree and relaxed experience is not looking for a ridged and strict company. A signature designed with a carefree tone as well as very informative and well written email content will attract this client and incite further inquiry into your business. In contrast, a professional businessperson will seek out other organized, straight-laced individuals and companies in which to conduct business. Branding is a high priority in marketing and the email signature is an effective and powerful tool in this regard.

The types of information to consider in your signature are varied and can be different for everyone. The sender’s name, company’s name as well as any contact information such as e-mail, phone, website and physical address are essential tidbits of information for an email signature. Other items that are beneficial if used properly are alternate websites – personal and business – such as any blogs, Twitter, professional networking profiles such as LinkedIn, and alternative contact information such as a mobile phone, fax number all ensure there is never a moment of missed communication because contact information is provided every time you correspond.

Understanding your specific industry and the needs and desires of your targeted demographic will provide the knowledge necessary to create and perfect an efficient e-mail signature.

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